Setup your accounts and categories

Start by adding your bank accounts and creating some categories


All of your money and transactions are managed by Accounts. The type of account depends on who has owns the value or where the money is going

Assets: money that you own such as bank accounts and cash.

Debt: money that you need to pay to another party such as credit cards and loans.

Income: Incoming money that you earn or receive

Expense: Outgoing money that you spend

Bank Accounts and Credit Cards

Start by creating an account for each of your bank accounts . Simply navigate to the 'Accounts' page with the left hand menu and click create.

You also have the option of adding a starting balance if you wish. It is common for credit cards and other debts to have a negative starting balance to indicate you owe money to someone else


Income and Expenses

Income and expense categories are also created as accounts. Start by making a list of your common income sources and expenses and creating an account for each expense on your list.

Expenses are also added on the 'Accounts' page and created the same way as your bank accounts. The only difference is they do not have a starting balance
